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Q. How can I search product in UNIQLO app?

Product search method

[Search by keyword]

Enter the product number or product name to search for the product.

1. Tap the search window at the top of the app screen
User-added image

2. Enter the product name, product number, etc. in "What are you looking for?"  and search.
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  [Read the product barcode]

Search by scanning the barcode on the tag attached to the product.

1. Tap the "scan" mark at the bottom of the app screen
User-added image

2. Read the product barcode

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* If you cannot read it, tap "Enter the barcode number directly" and enter the 13-digit number displayed on the barcode.

Q & A

I can't read the product barcode correctly. How can I do?

1. Check if the communication environment is in place.
2. If it is out of focus, close the barcode scan screen and display it again.
3. If you cannot scan after trying the above, please search from "Enter barcode number directly" at the bottom of the scan screen.

Can I delete the search history / reading history?

Tap the trash can mark in the search history to delete all the history. You cannot specify a history to delete it.

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